Internal Audit Service

Internal Audit

Our internal audit activity evaluates risk exposures relating to the organization’s governance, operations and information systems, in relation to:

  • Safeguarding of assets;
  • Reliability and integrity of financial and operational information;
  • Compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts;
  • Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

It entails the following steps:

  • Research – Gathering board range of Information about the entity’s business;
  • Planning – Analysis of the information to determine the priority and objective of the review with management;
  • Providing assurance – Inform management how well the system is working based on our audit;
  • Consultation and Action – Management accept the risk of what they do or agree to implement improvements on those areas where opportunities or deficiencies are identified;
  • Follow up – Routine review of the implemented improvements.

Our internal audit professionals also assess other aspects such as ethics and values within the organisation, performance management, communication of risk and control information within the organisation in order to facilitate a good governance process.

Our internal audit team provides a full range of services including assisting to design a strategic plan for internal audit, re-engineering existing departments, providing specialised resources or completely outsourcing the entire internal audit function.

Special Review

A special review entails a comprehensive and objective review of the results and the financial position of the business. It provides management with feedback on key areas and issues to enhance profitability and contain costs. Certain engagements may be required to by the parent company to issue review opinion assurance on the interim financial statements.

Non- Audited Report

Our audit techniques are equally applicable to a wide range of non-corporate entities such as limited or unlimited liabilities partnerships, clubs, associations, charitable bodies.

A non-audited report, also called compilation report will be a better option for company to meet the same compliance requirement. It is less costly.

Your company may be exempted for audit if:

  • There is no corporate shareholder in the company
  • The number of shareholders is less than 20
  • Annual revenue of the company does not exceed S$5 million
  • Majority shareholders (95%) agree